Dr Alain A. Saad has received the Waring Memorial Award 2019 – the team of the Eye Centre Dr Aus der Au congratulates him and is very proud.
The Waring Memorial Award recognizes an ISRS (The International Society of Refractive Surgery) member early in his/her career who has demonstrated a commitment to ISRS, as well as a commitment to the promulgation of knowledge and the practice of refractive surgery.
He has obtained his specialization in refractive surgery a few years ago at the renowned «Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild» in Paris under the direction of the well-known eye surgeon Dr Damien Gatinel and is still active in that center. Together with Dr. Gatinel he has developed a software program for the automatic detection of risk-prone cornea in refractive surgery: the SCORE Analyzer by Gatinel and Saad.
He takes a decisive part in research activities, acts as reviewer for several scientific publications and is a member of the editorial board of two professional organs, including the Journal of Refractive Surgery. He has published more than forty scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and participated in national and international congresses with over 100 lectures.
Dr Saad is a member of the «future leaders committee» of the International Society for Refractive Surgery. In 2015 the journal «The Ophthalmologist» rated him as number 10 on the Power List «top 40 under 40» (https://theophthalmologist.com/the-power-list-2015/). In the year 2017 the same professional journal nominated him in the category «Rising Stars» in Ophthalmology (https://theophthalmologist.com/power-list/2017/).
He has received the «Achievement Award» of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and is active as the French representative at the «International Society of Refractive Surgery» (ISRS).
Dr Saad exercises his activity as medical specialist in France, Lebanon and Switzerland.
Learn more about Dr Alain Saad: www.alainsaad.com